Is Your Business Ready to Grow?

So you own a business, and you’re doing better than you ever expected. Your small business that started as just a big dream has turned into a real, full-sized, profit-earning business. Now what should you do? Do you cruise along, right where you are, or consider a new...

Free Your Desk: How to Organize Receipts and Beat Clutter

One of the worst culprits of clutter creation is receipts. Every purchase, big or small, results in a receipt, from a quick trip to the grocery store for milk to an expensive splurge at Best Buy. It’s tough to know which receipts to keep and which to toss, and even...
The Cloud and You, A Practical Guide: Analysis

The Cloud and You, A Practical Guide: Analysis

With a storage solution in place, companies often consider their cloud computing efforts complete. Operating expenses (OpEx) take the place of capital expenses (CapEx), and authorized users get to access data no matter where they are or what devices they use. But...