Recent Blog Posts on Referral Building

Working Solo? Remember, No One Succeeds Alone
Some people seem to get being a solopreneur confused with going it alone. No one succeeds alone. If your idea of success consists of crossing the finish line alone but triumphant, you’ve got one of two things coming your way: a...

Wait Until They Get a Load of You: Storytelling & Community Building
Stories have a way of sticking in our minds. There’s something about being human that draws us more toward storytelling than just about anything else. From books and television to philosophy and religion, stories are the fundamental building blocks of how we find our...

Knowing What You Don’t Know
There’s a saying in business that we’ve all heard before concerning a time-tested axiom that’s been true for decades: At some point in just about everybody’s career, the difference between...

Three Poker-Related Analogies for Startups
I play a lot of poker. Not as much as I used to, but I really enjoy it. Whether it's a lighthearted get together or a serious game, there’s not much that I enjoy more than sticking to a tight, aggressive strategy and watching it pay off. It’s just for fun, of course,...

Tips To Create A Business Card That Leaves An Impression
Business cards can do wonders for a company. They not only offer an easily stored way for people to contact you or stop by for a visit but they also offer one of the first impressions many people will ever get of your business. With that being said, what you put on...

Twelve Ways To Get More Out Of Your Home Business Blog
Blogging is one of the proven ways one could earn money online. There are other ways but blogs are quite easy after one has garnered enough traffic. Anyone can target a particular niche and operate a successful home business blog. It is quite a task to start getting...
5 Tools To Help Level The Playing Field For Your Small Business
1. Outsourcing Networks Small business owners may be surprised to find out that they can outsource many of the tasks of their business such as administrative work and even sales work. There are many opportunities for Australian small business owners to outsource work...

The Importance of Creating a Voice on Twitter
There are many ways to promote your company. One of the most effective methods used in recent years however is Twitter. This is probably because millions of people use it every day from all over the world. In the last year alone the number of active Twitter users has...
8 Things Negotiation Isn’t!
There are times in all our lives when we need to negotiate. Whether it's for a salary, an important investment deal or a contract with suppliers, understanding how to negotiate effectively is key to getting on in business. If you're looking for some helpful tips, then...
What Can Office Managers Learn from David Brent?
The Office is one of the biggest TV shows of all time, and since appearing on UK screens on BBC Two in 2001 it has been recreated in a wide range of countries, including Germany, Greece and America, where it has ran for nine seasons. Not bad for a small mockumentary...
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