Recent Blog Posts about Getting Started

Planning Your New Business Idea

If you have an idea for a business that simply must be realized, then the first step is not to rush out and do it, but to sit down and plan your route to success. Planning is the key to a stress free journey and nothing will highlight the route to realization more...

Free Your Desk: How to Organize Receipts and Beat Clutter

One of the worst culprits of clutter creation is receipts. Every purchase, big or small, results in a receipt, from a quick trip to the grocery store for milk to an expensive splurge at Best Buy. It’s tough to know which receipts to keep and which to toss, and even...

How to Know if the Colors of Your Brand are Dated

Your brand is the most important part of your company, and if the colors and design of your branding are dated, it can have a negative impact on your company. Those businesses with dated brands appear to be dated themselves, and many customers will leave them for...

What are some of the risks of being an entrepreneur?

What are some of the risks of being an entrepreneur?

A lot of great things can come with being an entrepreneur, but building something of your own also involves a lot of risks. This recent infographic from Entrepreneur magazine does a great job of breaking down some of the things that keep entrepreneurs up at night.