Whether you are employing freelancers to work for you, or you are working freelance for others, you will need to manage the work. Most freelance work is done from home and organized by the freelancer to do in their own time; this means often the two people working together will not meet unless one is insistent that they do. Because of this communication is essential, as is feedback and payment plans. Follow this guide to assist you with freelance work, whether you are sourcing the work or doing the work.
Communication is made much easier in present day due to all the options when it comes to technology. Meaning there is little excuse for not staying in touch.
Make technology work for you by deciding which is the best way for you to keep in touch with those you are working with or those who are doing work for you. There is a choice of twitter, face book, Skype, email, text message, face time and phone. Modern day smart phones allow us to be connected to all these communication platforms pretty much 24/7.
Communication is key, as the employer you will need to keep in touch with regular updates, work descriptions and feedback. As the freelancer you will need to be available at all times as it can become frustrating for the employer if they cannot contact you.
When you initially agree to do work for someone a clear price and payment plan should be set out. I advise having it in writing, ask for the employer to send you the exact payment details agreed on in email and print it out so you have a copy safe as it is possible to recall an email.
Agree on a rate, whether that be hourly or per task, how often this is to be paid, and how this it to be paid. As the employer if you are managing more than one freelancer I recommend using a payroll service company to ensure everyone gets paid as and when they should. Payment should be clear as day with no confusion between either party.
Work Load
Similarly to payment, the amount and type of work should be clear from the beginning. As a freelancer you will calculate your income from how much work you have been promised, so you don’t want to lose half of that work if an employer suddenly decides they only want you to do half of the initial quote. Set out an agreement that for that month you will be paid for all the work they have quoted you and that they must give you two weeks’ notice if they are going to cancel any work. As the employer you should do the same so you don’t lose out on work you need doing at the last minute.
Eilidh MacRae is writing on behalf Trace Payroll and would reccomend them as a payroll service company.
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